SSP- Syringe Services Program

The Syringe Services Program (SSP)—a harm reduction initiative—provides sterile syringe access, retrieval, and disposal services primarily to those affected by substance use disorder. The SSP also offers staff an opportunity to engage clients in conversations about substance use treatment options, harm reduction, and medical care.

Beneficiaries of the SSP may access: 

  • New Syringes
  • Bleach Kits
  • Stems
  • Hammer Pipes
  • Mouth Pieces
  • Cookers
  • Chore Boy 
  • Narcan
  • Fentanyl Test Strips
  • Socks
  • Sharp Safe Containers
  • Snacks
  • Condoms (male/female)
  • Lubricants
  • Wound Care Kits
  • Personal Hygiene Kits
  • Clothing
  • Linkage to Substance Use Programs
  • COVID-19 Test Kits
  • Tourniquets
  • Vitamin C
    • Items are issued based on availability



Beneficiaries of the SSP can also access medical treatment for wound care and other minor injuries. Additionally, they received treatment and supported referrals for STIs, Hepatitis C, and other preventative care, such as PrEP for HIV and several vaccine options.