Application Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastMiddle Initial *Street Address *City/Town, State Initials Zip-code *Phone number (primary) *When we call you, we might say we are from AIDS Project Worcester. Please indicate if this is OK or NOT OK. *OKNOT OKEmail *Check appropriate box: *I am mainly interested in periodic short-term assignments(e.g. setting up for events, making phone calls, stuffing envelopes).I am interested in becoming a regular APW Volunteer.Briefly describe your volunteering experience(s): *Occupation: *Employer *Education/Degrees *Do you speak any other language other than English? *Availability: Please note the times each day that you are currently available. *Skills and Resources: Please list below, as detailed as possible, the skills and resources you will bring to APW. *Working With APW: Please list, in order of priority, the three programs in which you are most interested. *see "Volunteer Opportunities at AIDS Project Worcester, Inc."What needs of your own do you expect to fulfill as a volunteer? *Please discuss your strengths and weaknesses. *How did you hear about APW? *Whom may we contact in case of an emergency (name and telephone number)? *Is there any additional information you feel we should know? If so, please feel free to write it here.MessageSubmit